Criteria of values, traits, and performance for our Year Six End of Year Awards.


Sportspersonship Cup: Wilcox Cup

  • Personal effort in many different games, sports, events
  • Tolerance and support towards others
  • Encouragement to all age levels
  • Excellent team member


Sports Person Trophy: Thompson Trophy & Brown Trophy

  • Talented all round athlete
  • Strong in team sports such as netball, football, rugby, hockey
  • Very capable in individual disciplines such as swimming athletics, gymnastics
  • Commitment, effort, attitude, and application


House Points Cup: St Andrew Cup

  • House points weekly class winner


Sports House Cup: J Martin Cup

  • Awarded to the house which has accumulated the most sporting house points from cross country days, swimming days, athletics days


EOTC Cup: Crabb Family Trophy 

  • Outdoor growth and development
  • Willingness to give things a try at EOTC events/camps
  • Confidence
  • Self awareness
  • Grasped any opportunity they can and give it a good nudge.
  • Collaboration and problem solving in a group situation


Leadership Cup: Carter Family Cup

  • Displayed wonderful leader capacity
  • Diligent in their duties
  • Skillful at working with others
  • Innovative and motivated to helping others


Te Toa Maori Trophy: Wiari te Kapotai Murray Trophy

  • Capable Kapa Haka student
  • Developing a good grasp of Te Reo
  • Displays a willingness to learn more about Maori Culture
  • Support other young students
  • Understanding of Te Tiriti o Waitangi 


Public Speaking: Minett Plate

  • Capable Speaker
  • Fluent and expressive
  • Entertaining speaker
  • Successful in the speech competitions
  • Poetry/Prose competitions


Citizenship Trophy: Dalton Trophy

  • Makes a positive all round contribution to school life
  • A noticeable effort to physical, cultural and social aspects to school life.
  • Noticeable attitude to physical, cultural and social aspects to school life.











Social Science Cup: Tapper Family Cup

  • Deep understanding around our school curriculum concepts
  • Understands how societies work & are formed
  • Is a responsible citizen (our school values)
  • Understanding about past, present, and future
  • Enjoys working in group situations and knows how to collaborate
  • Take action as critical and informed citizens


Music Cup: The Tracey Family Trophy

  • Capable musician in a range of fields
  • Involved in many music opportunities such as choir, rock band, school band, school musicals
  • Part of school groups that entertain others


Technology Cup: Dunseath Trophy

  • Innovative thinker
  • Able to problem solve and design and/or modify systems
  • Capable ICT student – using devices to enhance learning
  • Learning how to code


Digital Innovation Cup: J Barton and L Raynel Cup

  • Uses digital tools to enhance learning such as:
  • Capable at coding
  • Can use Green Screen technology
  • Capable at Animation
  • Use of a range of Apps


Science Trophy: Watson Trophy

  • Real interest in science related topics
  • Innovative thinker
  • Enjoys scientific experience and can hypothesize possible outcomes
  • Display high level of background knowledge 


Language Trophy: Reeve Family Trophy

  • Displays excellence in a number of language areas
  • Capable reader – reads to research
  • Innovative writer – presentation, punctuation
  • Strong oral language skills


Cultural Activities and Arts: Lee Family Trophy

  • Covers many areas of this curriculum topic – explores, challenges, expresses in the visual arts, dance, music and, to a lesser degree, drama.
  • Performance
  • Effort and attitude in music, visual arts, drama


Drama Cup: Mair Family Cup

  • Contribution to classroom drama – part of plays, story retelling
  • Items on the stage – such as individual and class
  • Major roles in school productions over the course of his/her schooling.
  • Showing personal experience and imagination
  • Responds to ways in which drama tells stories


Mathematics Cup: Priest/Parker Cup

  • Excellence in mathematical achievement
  • Demonstrates real effort in challenging themselves to problem solving and finding solutions through a number of strategies.
  • Applies themselves to learning new concepts and processes
  • Able to support less capable students in a collaborative way



Persistent & Consistent Trophy: Short Family Trophy

  • Demonstrates persistent & consistent effort in all curriculum areas
  • Doesn’t necessary excel, just tries really hard with a never give up attitude
  • Include aspects of academic, cultural, sporting, and any competition
  • Takes on lots of school activities, duties and responsibilities. 


MPS Values Cup: Wightman Cup (Values are deeply held beliefs about what is important or desirable. They are expressed through the ways in which people think and act).

  • Awarded to the student who consistently demonstrates our school values
  • Thinking – Maharahara (thinking about how to make life better at school for others as well as themselves – academically, socially, culturally)
  • Standing Proud – Whakahi (of themselves, the school uniform, what our school has to offer on site and school trips)
  • Having a Heart – Makoha (showing empathy, compassion, kindness, supporting others)
  • Own your Actions – Hoea to waka (Showing that they can take responsibility for their learning, behaviour, and conduct at and away from MPS)


Achievement outside school – Whakatutukitanga i waho o te kura: Farmilo Family Cup. 

  • Achieved at a high level outside school life such as at a regional or National level
  • Could be a High Achievement in sport
  • Or – Excelled in an academic activities outside school


Principal Trophies: Pat & Liz Dunn Trophies

  • For making the most of the full range of opportunities available throughout their schooling, particularly their final year
  • Demonstrates significant contributions to school activities
  • Supporting the school values
  • Consistently demonstrating the key competencies from the NZ curriculum


Outstanding Boy & Girls Cup and Button: Exton & Waldon Family Cups

  • These students have shown all round academic ability and performance in:-


  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Social Sciences
  • Performing Arts
  • Cultural and Physical activities
  • Digital curriculum
  • Science
  • Learning languages


  • These students have also been consistently positive in their approach to school and class activities
  • They STAND out in all aspects!













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